Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to simulate WAN (Wide Area Network) in LAN (Local Area Network)

 Anyone ever needed to test the web application on a low bandwidth WAN link? But u can’t afford create a link using actual routers and other networking equipment.  I came across such situation where, a web application works fine within the development environment which is a LAN. But when application is deployed in the actual environment which is a WAN with low bandwidths like 128Kbps it becomes very slow to response. My solution was WINEM.
Anyone ever needed to test the web application on a low bandwidth WAN link? But u can’t afford create a link using actual routers and other networking equipment.  I came across such situation where, a web application works fine within the development environment which is a LAN. But when application is deployed in the actual environment which is a WAN with low bandwidths like 128Kbps it becomes very slow to response. My solution was WINEM. - See more at: http://www.assumedaltitude.lkblog.com/2014/01/how-to-simulate-wan-wide-area-network.html#sthash.YAYipEWh.dpuf
Anyone ever needed to test the web application on a low bandwidth WAN link? But u can’t afford create a link using actual routers and other networking equipment.  I came across such situation where, a web application works fine within the development environment which is a LAN. But when application is deployed in the actual environment which is a WAN with low bandwidths like 128Kbps it becomes very slow to response. My solution was WINEM. - See more at: http://www.assumedaltitude.lkblog.com/2014/01/how-to-simulate-wan-wide-area-network.html#sthash.YAYipEWh.dpuf
Anyone ever needed to test the web application on a low bandwidth WAN link? But u can’t afford create a link using actual routers and other networking equipment.  I came across such situation where, a web application works fine within the development environment which is a LAN. But when application is deployed in the actual environment which is a WAN with low bandwidths like 128Kbps it becomes very slow to response. My solution was WINEM. - See more at: http://www.assumedaltitude.lkblog.com/2014/01/how-to-simulate-wan-wide-area-network.html#sthash.YAYipEWh.dpuf
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Assumed Altitude

Monday, July 29, 2013

oracle table audit trigger

You need to audit the column wise changes in a oracle database! Here is a trigger for you that log the column value changes on any table in the database to a common audit table. This work for any type of query (Insert, Update, Delete).
All you have to do is run the SQL script specifying table name as a argument.
Go to Article "Oracle Trigger to Log column level changes of Table"

Assumed Alitude | Lankan Blogger

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to import to data in TEXT to SQL Sever

Inserting large amount of data in text files (such as CSV files) to SQL server the easiest solution is using bulk insert. This considerably reduce the execution time and increase efficiency. Assumed Altitude provide a explanation on how to do the basic type of Bulk insert in this post.
The basic insert query would like this,
FROM 'D:\test.txt'
this Here the test.txt text file name and TABLE1 is where data is inserted. this just simplest form of bulk insert. This can be more complex tasks with the use of format files.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thambara Wila (තඹර විල)

The Student Union of Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna consists of nearly 800 students. They are well talented in both academic and non-academic activities. In order to improve their talents engineering faculty Students Union has decided to organize a concert called ‘TAMBARA-WILA’ (තඹර විල) in 24th of June 2012 from 3.00 P.M. to 7.00 p.m. at the Medical Faculty Auditorium, Karapitiya.
The main objective of this concert is to present creative artistic talents of engineering undergraduates to the external parties and make close relationship with them.

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Import data in Excel sheet to SQL Express Database using AD-HOC Query

Have you tried to get data in Excel sheet to a SQL database? Here is how to do it step by step so anyone can understand it simply. So there is no need to search anymore. This is done using AD HOC query in SQL. You can either import all the columns or selected one as you prefer.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Internship In WSO2

Romesh Malinga a CSE (Computer Science Engineering) student from University of Moratuwa is undergoing his internship in WSO2. He has started blogging about his experience gathered in this internship in wso2. Its under the URL www.iwso2.blogspot.com. This can be helpful to any one who is willing to have a internship in wso2 and anyone interested in technologies AXIS2, OSGi ect.